Discover the hemp plant

5 min readDec 14, 2020


An ancient crop

The hemp plant is known to many of us under different names, such as hemp, cannabis and marijuana. In our daily or colloquial use of the word, we normally refer to it as weed. Cannabis is the plant genus belonging to the family Cannabaceae. Hemp, which is known as the normal or “real” cannabis is actually a plant of the Cannabis genus. Another famous species within the Cannabaceae is hop. Hemp is a very ancient plant. It has been used in many ways from healing to being a useful plant for thousands of years. Many different cultures have cultivated the plant so that it fulfills their special needs.

From a biological point of view, the plant can be categorized as follows:

Image 1: Historical illustration of male and female hemp flowers (Cannabis sativa) (Source)

The word “cannabis” derives from the Greek word kánnabis (hemp) and has been adapted in Latin. The name hemp, however, derives from the old English word hænep, which is related to the Old High German word hanaf.

Hemp is an annual plant meaning it completes its life cycle from the seed to dying out in a single growing season. Hemp originated in Central Asia and can grow up to 5 meters depending on the surrounding environmental conditions and on the species.

We normally divide the species hemp in three sub-species:

Image 2: Different species of the hemp plant (Source)

Most species nowadays are bred and selected into hybrid species. Those are also called strains. Certain properties like the autoflowering are bred especially by combining the properties of the Cannabis ruderalis with the Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.

The plant can have male and female flowers, which usually grow on different plants. There are plants with both male and female flowers. Those are called hermaphrodite and are rather an exception. The male and female plants can be distinguished by their appearance: The male plant has panicle shaped umbles/small bell-shaped clusters[BO1] , which can grow as long as 25 centimeters. Female plants can be recognized by the circle-like ovary, which later will mature into a fruit. Usually, the females do not need any bees to be fertilized as they are wind-pollinated.

Resource, medicine, food

Hemp is a great source for raw materials or medicine and can also be used in many different ways as food. All those different usages are regulated under different legal frameworks.

as a raw material: Hemp is a great renewable raw material and can be used for producing thousands of different things and can be used in many ways, e.g. as insulating material, in paper production, as pulp or even biofuel. The possibilities of using hemp as a raw material are endless and are by far not yet exhausted.

as a medicine: Cannabis is facing a revival as a crucial substance in modern medicine. Especially its essential oils, cannabinoids and terpenes, are of great value for creating new medicinal solutions. Both of the main substances of hemp, THC and CBD, are increasingly being used in the treatment of patients. They are especially favored due to their low side effects in comparison to traditional medicine and are a good alternative treatment option. The facts and data on medicinal cannabis have improved significantly with more studies and research in regard of its therapeutic use.

as food: the psychoactive effect of the cannabinoid THC may be an unwanted side effect in the medicinal use, however, it is a nice and wanted effect for those enjoying the plant as a treat or snack. Cannabis for purely private consumption is still prohibited in most countries, with some exceptions such as Canada.

Depending on the usage purpose of the plant, the main focus of cultivating it lies in many different aspects: The fiber and crop are the key parts of the plant when using it as a raw material. Whereas for medicinal purposes or as a consumer good the flowers or essences are of main use. All of those can be won from the plant in many different ways.

According to the European Union, hemp as a raw material is only allowed to contain a THC level of less than 0.2 %. This value can differ in every country, e.g. In Italy it is less than 0.6 %, in Austria less than 0.3 % and in Switzerland even less than 1 %. The “Common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plants” by the European Commission regulates which hemp plant can officially be cultivated. The seeds for industrial hemp within the EU have to be bought newly every year.

In Germany private parties are not allowed to grow hemp, not even for using it as raw material. If people grow hemp illegally, they can face legal persecution, even if it happens by accident. Special permits and a certain area for cultivation are required in order to be able to grow hemp for professional purposes. In comparison to other Europeans countries, such as Austria, in Germany it isn´t even allowed to grow hemp as a decorative plant. In Austria all citizens are allowed to cultivated cuttings for decoration, as there is no general cultivation and breeding prohibition of hemp plants. However, the cultivation is restricted by certain requirements and is only allowed as long as the plant doesn´t bloom.

This article is the introduction of our new series: Discover the hemp plant. Discover the wonder plant hemp with CANNAMIGO and learn of all the various usages of hemp with our series.




CANNAMIGO has made it its business to reintegrate the wonder plant cannabis into the everyday life of mankind.